Accu-Steel’s Donation to the Iowa State Fair

For the second consecutive year, Accu-Steel is set to make a donation to the Iowa State Fair. Our President, Jason Owen, and his wife, Alison Brinker, are very passionate about the fair. They see the value in the fair and the knowledge that’s shared with over 1 million visitors every year. Though we all enjoy the food, concerts and carnival rides, the Iowa State Fair offers much more!

Iowa State Fair

The Iowa State Fair is a great opportunity to learn about Iowa’s agriculture. There are several exhibits dedicated to locally grown fruits and vegetables along with multiple days of livestock showings. In addition to exhibits dedicated to agriculture, there are buildings dedicated to local bakers, crafters, and artists. The Iowa State Fair is the ultimate goal for all 4-Hers and FFA participants. Having your project chosen for the Iowa State Fair is a great honor. There is truly something for everyone at the fair. As it’s said, nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair!

Accu-Steel’s Donation

Last year, Accu-Steel donated a 62′ x 208′ Integrity building. This structure was installed to store the footing material for the Jacobson Riding Arena on the Fairgrounds. Follow this link to learn more about our most versatile and accommodating building, the Integrity Series.

This year, we will be donating a 38′ x 64′ shelter style building that will be used as part of Van Wall’s display. Having an Accu-Steel structure as part of their booth allows for a cool, shaded area for their staff and the equipment on display. This structure is the 3rd building Accu-Steel has donated to the Iowa State Fair. The first was donated back in 2008 and is now being used as the Iowa Craft Beer stand. The Van Wall display is located directly south of the Varied Industries Building. A few vendors to the west of this structure is where you will find our own display!

Accu-Steel at the Fair

Accu-Steel’s booth will be located southwest of the Varied Industries Building. We are in the same location as last year – near the west entrance/exit of the West Skyglider by Gate 10. The fair runs from August 9th through the 19th. This is a great opportunity to visit with Accu-Steel and our dealers. We look forward to meeting you!




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