Are you considering an expansion of the cow herd to help meet the demand for Beef? Are you looking for a revenue source within the Beef Industry that will allow the next generation a chance to come back to the farm? With less grazing land available, increased cost of land ownership and surplus feedstuffs in the corn belt; now may be the time to consider Cow-Calf confinement or semi-confinement. This Symposium is designed to allow you the chance to gain the insight needed to consider cow-calf confinement as a viable beef production model for the future.
Accu-Steel is thrilled to be a part of the Midwest Cow-Calf Symposium in Omaha, NE, with one of our dealers, Central Confinement Service! We have been working closely with the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF), the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, the Nebraska Cattlemen, and the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska (A FAN) to ensure this symposium is a success.
What to expect at the Midwest Cow-Calf Symposium
This Symposium is a two-day informational event to help you gain knowledge about the confinement options available. Whether the cattle are under roof or in a lot. Come to listen to speakers on nutrition, financing and much more. There will also be a producer panel so you can hear all about their experiences and ask the questions you’ve been itching to ask! Don’t worry, there will be meals and snacks at the symposium as well!
When, Where, and How to Register
The Midwest Cow-Calf Symposium is at the Hotel RL/Coco Keys Resort (Formally the Ramada Inn) in Omaha, NE. Doors open at 1:00 PM and the event officially starts at 2:00 pm on March 21st, 2017. Click here to register and see the full agenda!
We’ll see you at the Midwest Cow-Calf Symposium March 21st through the 22nd!