
Join Us for Feedlot Forum 2013

Accu-Steel Is A Proud Sponsor of Feedlot Forum 2013

Feedlot Forum 2013โ€œThere are a variety of new beef issues โ€”animal welfare audits, new feed processing methods, global trade, and formula pricing โ€” facing feedlot producers in 2013,โ€ Beth Doran, beef program specialist with Iowa State University said. โ€œWe also will see new developments in environmental inspections and age and source verification programs.โ€ Click Here to view the agenda and information about the program. 

Keynote speaker Andrew Gottschalk, owner of HedgersEdge.com LLC and senior vice president of RJ Oโ€™Brien and Associates will discuss market outlook and global demand for U.S. beef in his presentation, โ€œBeyond Our Borders.โ€

Contact Beth Doran for more information at 712.737.4230 or doranb@iastate.edu.

What: Feedlot Forum 2013

When: January 22, 2013; 8:30 a.m. โ€“ 4:00 p.m.

Where: Terrace View Event Center

Full Agenda

8:30 a.m. – Registration, Refreshments, View Trade Show

9:30 a.m. –  Welcome and Introductions
Lowell Vos โ€“ District 1 Director, Iowa Cattlemenโ€™s Association

9:45 a.m. – EPA Region 7 AFO/CAFO Inspection Program
Stephen Pollard โ€“ Region 7 AFO/CAFO Compliance and Enforcement Coordinator

11:00 a.m. – Ready, Set, Record!
Doug Bear โ€“ Director of Industry Relations, Iowa Beef Industry Council
Kellie Carolan โ€“ Seedstock Manager, Iowa Cattlemanโ€™s Association

11:45 a.m. –  Iowa Cattlemanโ€™s Association Update
Matt Deppe โ€“ Chief Executive Officer, Iowa Cattlemanโ€™s Association

12:00 p.m. – View Trade Show and Visit with Sponsors about New Cattle Products and Services

12:30 p.m. – Lunch (steak dinner)

1:30 p.m.  – Alkali Treatment of Corn Stover to Improve Digestability
Dan Loy โ€“ ISU Extension and Outreach Beef Specialist; Director of the Iowa Beef Center

2:15 p.m. – Beyond Our Borders
Andrew Gottschalk โ€“ Owner HedgersEdge.com LLC and Sr. VP RJ Oโ€™Brien and Associates

3:15 p.m. – Open Discussion on Formula Pricing




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